
Showing posts with the label Fiverr Plus
I have cancelled my subscription of Fiverr Plus. I have been doing it for 4 months now and I have not gotten any more assignments other than from one of my repeat buyers who I have been working with for years on the platform. So right now I decided not to use it until I get more freelance work.   
Fiverr Plus Update: My views since joining. Since joining Fiverr Plus I have noticed some increase in the views that my gigs are getting on the platform. However, I have not received any new clients as a result as of yet. However, I have earned enough money to keep me in the program for another couple of months. This will give me a chance to see if staying in the program is really worth it. I'll continue to keep you updated every so often.   
  Since Joining Fiverr plus I have taken advantage of some of the services offered by the membership. One of them is one month FREE to the CreativeLive website. A site where you can learn a wide variety of skills. I am currently working with an AI software called ChatGTP. It's writing software and makes writing various documents a lot easier and faster. I can already see how this will help me with my story writing. I will keep you posted of my progress.