The reluctant Hero Hals Nelson is the reluctant hero of our story. One of the Officers of the ship commanded by Captain Bly Bledsoe, Hals strikes a loyal friendship with William Sproket who is second in command of the ship under Bledsoe. Bledsoe and Sprocket do not get along at all and this eventually leads to Sprocket trying to take over the ship during the heart of terrible storm that wrecks the ship. Very few crewmen survive. One of the survivors is Nelson. At the request of the Royal Navy, he agrees to sail to the location where the storm took place for he was told by the Navy that they believed that some of the crew could have survived the storm and destruction and made it to a nearby island. Knowing that he could face danger returning to the waters known as the dead seas he is driven to look for answers in the mystery if not for himself, for Lori Sprocket, who is the wife of William Sprocket who he had become such great friends with. You can view the first number of pages b...