
  Ghost Pirates now featured on the Indy Planet website. You can find it easily by looking at up adventure comics category scrolling down to the letter G. Comics are listed alphabetically in the sections. Cost is only $3.99 on the website. However, I have a few free printed copies available for people who leave comments about it on the Global Comix website. I'm posting link below to that site.     Read Ghost Pirates Chapter 1 Page 1 in English Online (
  I made a very small amount of money on Global Comix website for page read of my Ghost Pirates Comic Book. Though the amount is small it does mean that people are reading and noticing the comic. I encourage all who haven't read the comic on the GlobalCoMiX website please do so. If you leave a comment about the comic, I will send you a printed version of the book as a thank you gift. Thanks for reading and I hope you will check it out.  Ghost Pirates on GLobalCoMiX
  Fiverr has a new level system which I really don't understand, but it has managed to lower my seller level from a level 2 to a level 1. Apparently their are a number of sellers on the platform that are not happy with the new system. Fiverr is going to be having seminars to explain the new system. I will keep you posted on this and the impact it has on sellers on Fiverr. 
Free Copies of Ghost Pirates are still available! Contact me for more information. 
Fiverr Plus Update: My views since joining. Since joining Fiverr Plus I have noticed some increase in the views that my gigs are getting on the platform. However, I have not received any new clients as a result as of yet. However, I have earned enough money to keep me in the program for another couple of months. This will give me a chance to see if staying in the program is really worth it. I'll continue to keep you updated every so often.   
Ghost Pirates comic book will be featured on the Indy planet website sometime soon. Still have some free printed copies of this comic book available. Contact me to find out how to receive one.  
  I buyer of mine of Fiverr has requested me to do some animation for them. I'm very excited to bring their story to life through animation. I will keep you posted on the progress of these animation assignments.